By Barry Fisher on KPRL Radio
Earlier this year, Gallup Workplace reported that “fewer than one in four U.S. employees feel strongly that their organization cares about their wellbeing — the lowest percentage in nearly a decade.” The same study also found that happy employees provided better customer engagement, were more profitable for the organization, had a higher retention rate and had fewer safety issues.
In a subsequent report Gallup notes that managers, in particular, were suffering from even higher levels of stress and burnout compared to rank-and-file employees. They also discovered in a meta-study of more than 100 million interviews, that the largest variation “between highest engaged teams and persistently disengaged teams is just the manager.” Gallup discovered that great managing equals great coaching not just directing and administering.
As a business owner, do you have the time, inclination or temperament to coach your managers to be better at their jobs? Most owners of small to medium-sized closely held businesses barely have enough time to do their own work and put out daily “fires”. Speaking for myself, mentoring my employees much beyond the day-to-day tasks I expected of them was not my strong suit.
As I’ve mentioned in previous Blog posts and our radio ads, one of our missions is to help businesses grow and prosper. That’s why we now offer Mentumm, an on-demand, online coaching platform that will help you attract and retain a more engaged workforce. With scores of highly qualified coaches specializing in more than 30 topics you can now help your key employees up their game helping you grow your bottom-line.
Mentumm is cost and time effective. You and/or your employees
- Pick a topic.
- Choose a coach.
- Book a 30-minute coaching session.
It’s that simple. Each 30-minute session is $100, and you can purchase packages starting at 10 sessions. The agreement with Mentumm is month-to-month and you can cancel anytime. Any unused credits rollover to the next month and never expire. You can raise and lower your credits anytime. What a great “perk” to offer employees you wish to incentivize and develop.
Make your people extraordinary. CLICK HERE to learn more about Mentumm and then contact us to learn more and to get started.