Randall Jordan – Chairman, Republican Party of SLO County and Michael Erin Woody – Former Candidate for U.S. Congress

By Barry Fisher on KPRL Radio

Erik Gorham
Guest Host Erik Gorham

Please join my guest host Erik Gorham for our weekly radio broadcast, Protecting What Matters, (www.pwmradio.com) Tuesdays on KPRL at 12:30pm (Pacific Time). Tomorrow’s show will feature:
Randall Jordan – Chairman, Republican Party of SLO County and Michael Erin Woody – Former Candidate for U.S. Congress

  • Local Get-Out-The Vote Efforts
  • Current State of Play in local, state and Federal races and ballot propositions

Now you can enjoy past shows of Protecting What Matters on our website (https://blazenbear.com/protecting-what-matters/)

Tomorrow’s show can be heard live on KPRL, 1230 AM & 99.3 FM or you can listen online at https://kprl.com/kprl-1230am-radio-live-stream/.  We’d very much like to hear from you during the show, (805) 238-5775 (KPRL), but if you’d rather email your comments and questions, please send to [email protected].

Email us at [email protected] with questions, show ideas and comments.

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