By Barry Fisher on KPRL Radio
Join Susan and Barry for our weekly radio broadcast, Protecting What Matters, (www.pwmradio.com) Tuesdays on KPRL at 12:25pm (Pacific Time). Tomorrow’s show features San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Ian Parkinson.
- Topics to include:
- The civic importance of an elected County Sheriff.
- What law enforcement is learning from recent active shooter incidents.
- Homeland security threats posed by terror watchlist illegals crossing the border.
- Vast array of services provided by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office.
Now you can enjoy past shows of Protecting What Matters on our website (https://blazenbear.com/protecting-what-matters/)
Protecting What Matters now begins at 12:25pm (Pacific Time). We hope you enjoy our new extended format.
Tomorrow’s show can be heard live on KPRL, 1230 AM & 99.3 FM or you can listen online at https://kprl.com/kprl-1230am-radio-live-stream/. We’d very much like to hear from you during the show, (805) 238-5775 (KPRL), but if you’d rather email your comments and questions, please send to [email protected].
Email us at [email protected] with questions, show ideas and comments.